Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Being the Oldest

Mary. Megan. Molly. Matthew. Those are the names, oldest to youngest, of my siblings. I am the oldest and am always trying to be a role model for my younger siblings. I want them to remember me as always helping them and giving them support. When I go away to college, I always contact them each day to remind them that I'm always here for them. Facetime, texting, or phone calls are just some ways we communicate while I'm away.

Megan is 16 years old, and a junior in high school. We consider ourselves best friends and tell each other everything. She comes to me with problems she faces with friends, boys, and work. Junior year is always a hard year in high school, but I keep telling her only two more years until she gets to go off to college. She wants to look at colleges down south around North Carolina. Her dream job is to be a nurse one day.

Molly is 12 years old, and in sixth grade. Sixth grade is also considered to be a 'drama year' with friends and boys. This is one of the years where kids find themselves and know what they are capable of. Molly is very big into her phone and facetiming all her friends at night. I always wonder if having her phone at school will become a distraction. Molly's dream job at the moment, is to become a teacher!

Matthew is 7 years old, and in first grade. He is the baby of the family and treated like a prince. He is such a sweet boy and very caring about his sisters. Sometimes my mom will send me a picture of his work he has done in class, and once and awhile it is a story about me being away at college. I always try to talk to him throughout the week, but he is very busy with activities such as: soccer, baseball and swimming. Matthew's dream job is to become a professional soccer player.

Monday, October 13, 2014

What Inspired Me To Go Into Teaching...

Playing ‘teacher’ with my American Girl Dolls when I was four years old was the first step in knowing what I wanted to be for the rest of my life. I got this idea from my grandmother, who runs her own daycare out of her house. I was always the oldest child at the daycare, and would play 'school' all day with the rest of the kids. My grandma inspired me with her passion and love for kids, and it just shows how much I'm like her in that way. 

Working at a preschool for three years, has made my dream into a reality. I just love the way the children's faces light up when I walk into their classroom to help out for the day. All of these twenty children look up to me as a role model and know I would do anything to help them. This past school year's class had made a tremendous impact on me, and knew I would be emotional on their last day of school. I actually felt like a parent when I watched each child walk across the stage and get their graduation diploma. Working at this preschool each year, truly makes me know I'm in the right career and will become a successful teacher in the future. 

Watching my little brother grow up, has been an amazing ride and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. My brother is now seven years old and such an intelligent little boy. Every time I go home to see my family, I'm always amazed at how much taller and smarter he has become. He is another big reason I want to go into teaching as a career. I am always excited to help him with his homework and am always volunteering in his classroom. 

Volunteering is also a big part of my life. This past September before coming to college, I was fortunate enough to volunteer in a kindergarten classroom for the first two days of school. This was the students very first day of public school ever, and I was lucky enough to experience it with them. Some of the students were missing their parents while some were excited to be apart of a new environment with new friends. Just from those first two days, I'm already attached to them and knew all of their names by the first day. I honestly can't wait to go back home for Christmas break and help out in this classroom again!

It’s hard to consider that fourteen years ago was just the beginning of my future in a career which I believe will make me happy for the rest of my life. I can't wait to have my dream job someday soon with children who will change my life forever!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Tech Experience 'Back Then'

Thinking back to technology in grade school and high school, we didn't use it immensely. Oddly enough, the most technology I remember using in a classroom, was my senior math class. My teacher, Mrs. Walsh, would use her smart board every class, whether it was for a warm up activity, or completing a worksheet online. Mrs. Walsh was learning about the smart board and technology as she taught each class. She wanted her students to be open to her learning about the smart board, and not be upset if she had trouble with it. 

During my high school days, we had three computer labs. Two were PC labs, and one was an all Mac lab. For every class I was in, we would go to these computer labs at least four times a year. This was help for us students and the teacher, to have time getting more comfortable with technology. After I graduated, my high school put in all Mac computers in each of the computer labs because the Mac computers are getting more popular and well known. 

Observing a first grade classroom last semester, I could tell the teacher I was shadowing, loved using technology and her students did as well. She had a huge smart board that was stationed in her own classroom. I could tell the students loved having the smart board and gave them a chance to go up to it and answer the questions in front of the class. This also made it fun and more students engage and want to volunteer to answer the questions asked on the smart board. She also had about five iPads for her students to share during free time play. This gave the students as well as the teacher more experience and time with technology, and for them to get exposed to it.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Coming from a small town in Connecticut, I knew for a fact that I wanted to get out of my own state. I had been doing a 'college search' online to find what the best fit would be for me! Southern New Hampshire University popped right up. I knew I had to go for a tour and visit as a possible future home for myself. As soon as I came to the campus I knew it was the right match for me. Everyone was friendly, a good atmosphere, and the education program was flawless. Hearing from an admissions counselor that I could go into an elementary classroom freshman year, was an amazing thing to hear. I was already in love with this school. There was no doubt in my mind that this was the perfect school for me.